Title | File name | Section | Code | Date | Scale | Size | Metadata | download |
Contributi/Osservazioni Regione del Veneto - Giunta Regionale in data 29/08/2024 | MASE_2024_0157017.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences sent after the deadline - Scoping stage | MASE-2024-0157017 | 12/09/2024 | - | 162 kB | Metadata | Download |
Contributi/Osservazioni Autonome Provinz Bozen - Suedtirol - Provincia autonoma di Bolzano - Alto Adige in data 29/08/2024 | MASE_2024_0156793.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences sent after the deadline - Scoping stage | MASE-2024-0156793 | 12/09/2024 | - | 49385 kB | Metadata | Download |
Contributi/Osservazioni Provincia di Chieti in data 29/08/2024 | MASE_2024_0156844.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences sent after the deadline - Scoping stage | MASE-2024-0156844 | 12/09/2024 | - | 567 kB | Metadata | Download |
Contributi/Osservazioni Regione Valle D' Aosta - Assessorato territorio e ambiente - Dipartimento territorio e ambiente Tutela qualità aria e acque in data 29/08/2024 | MASE_2024_0156987.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences sent after the deadline - Scoping stage | MASE-2024-0156987 | 12/09/2024 | - | 141 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni dell'ARPA Lombardia, in data 29/08/2024 | MASE-2024-0157101.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences sent after the deadline - Scoping stage | MASE-2024-0157101 | 11/09/2024 | - | 2099 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni della Città Metropolitana di Roma Capitale - DIPARTIMENTO IV -Pianificazione strategica e Governo del territorio - SERVIZIO 1 "Urbanistica e attuazione del PTMG", in data 27/08/2024 | MASE-2024-0155519.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences sent after the deadline - Scoping stage | MASE-2024-0155519 | 06/09/2024 | - | 446 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano - Alto Adige - Soprintendenza provinciale ai beni culturali Ufficio Beni architettonici ed artistici, in data 27/08/2024 | MASE-2024-0155514.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences sent after the deadline - Scoping stage | MASE-2024-0155514 | 06/09/2024 | - | 169 kB | Metadata | Download |
Contributi/Osservazioni Regione Emilia Romagna in data 02/09/2024 | MASE_2024_0158696.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences sent after the deadline - Scoping stage | MASE-2024-0158696 | 03/09/2024 | - | 364 kB | Metadata | Download |
Contributo dell'ARPA Basilicata, in data 23/08/2024 | MASE-2024-0154571.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences sent after the deadline - Scoping stage | MASE-2024-0154571 | 03/09/2024 | - | 1041 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni dell'Autorità di bacino distrettuale delle Alpi Orientali, in data 23/08/2024 | MASE-2024-0154655.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences sent after the deadline - Scoping stage | MASE-2024-0154655 | 03/09/2024 | - | 941 kB | Metadata | Download |