Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Piano di Sviluppo della Rete di Trasmissione Nazionale 2025


(n.53) Documents of the Strategic Environmental Assessment

Title File name Section Code Date Scale Size
Contributi/Osservazioni Provincia di Benevento Settori ambiente ed energia in data 23/08/2024 MASE_2024_0154678.pdf Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences sent after the deadline -  Scoping stage MASE-2024-0154678 02/09/2024 - 71 kB Metadata Download
Osservazioni della Provincia di Asti in data 29/08/2024 MASE-224-0157167.pdf Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences sent after the deadline -  Scoping stage MASE-2024-0157167 13/09/2024 - 209 kB Metadata Download
Parere Ministero dell''Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica - COMMISSIONE TECNICA DI VERIFICA DELL'IMPATTO AMBIENTALE - VIA E VAS, in data 30/10/2024 MASE-2024-0198053.pdf Opinions MASE-2024-0198053 05/11/2024 - 40347 kB Metadata Download