Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Progetto di fattibilità tecnica ed economica del Raddoppio Cosenza-Paola/S. Lucido (galleria Santomarco). CUP: J71J20000110008


(n.832) Documents of the Environmental Impact Assessment (PNIEC-PNRR)

Title File name Section Code Date Scale Size
Planoprofilo e tracciamento NV02-3 RC1C_0_3_R_13_L7_NV_02_0_0_004_C.pdf Project documentation RC1C.0.3.R.13.L7.NV. 04/08/2022 - 15059 kB Metadata Download
Planoprofilo e tracciamento Rotatoria RC1C_0_3_R_13_L7_NV_02_0_0_005_B.pdf Project documentation RC1C.0.3.R.13.L7.NV. 04/08/2022 - 10803 kB Metadata Download
Planoprofilo e tracciamento NV02-1 - Tav. 3 di 3 RC1C_0_3_R_13_L7_NV_02_0_0_006_B.pdf Project documentation RC1C.0.3.R.13.L7.NV. 04/08/2022 - 548 kB Metadata Download
Planoprofilo e tracciamento RC1C_0_3_R_13_L7_NV_03_0_0_001_C.pdf Project documentation RC1C.0.3.R.13.L7.NV. 04/08/2022 - 16493 kB Metadata Download
Planoprofilo e tracciamento RC1C_0_3_R_13_L7_NV_04_0_0_001_B.pdf Project documentation RC1C.0.3.R.13.L7.NV. 04/08/2022 - 2038 kB Metadata Download
Planoprofilo e tracciamento RC1C_0_3_R_13_L7_NV_05_0_0_001_B.pdf Project documentation RC1C.0.3.R.13.L7.NV. 04/08/2022 - 1984 kB Metadata Download
Planoprofilo e tracciamento RC1C_0_3_R_13_L7_NV_06_0_0_001_B.pdf Project documentation RC1C.0.3.R.13.L7.NV. 04/08/2022 - 2298 kB Metadata Download
Planoprofilo e tracciamento RC1C_0_3_R_13_L7_NV_07_0_0_001_B.pdf Project documentation RC1C.0.3.R.13.L7.NV. 04/08/2022 - 2852 kB Metadata Download
Planoprofilo e tracciamento RC1C_0_3_R_13_L7_RI_55_X_0_001_A.pdf Project documentation RC1C.0.3.R.13.L7.RI.55.X.0.001.A 04/08/2022 - 2351 kB Metadata Download
Viabilità provvisoria-planimetria fasi realizzative - Tav. 1/2 RC1C_0_3_R_13_P6_NV_02_0_0_001_C.pdf Project documentation RC1C.0.3.R.13.P6.NV. 04/08/2022 - 30358 kB Metadata Download