The works for the connection of a wind farm exceeding 1 MW to the electrical grid shall be subject to EIA screening since they can be particularly impactful on the environment and landscape: this is what it is stated in the judgment no. 477 of 3 August 2013 of the Administrative Court of Basilicata, in relation to the installation in the Municipality of Lavello of a wind power plant with a total capacity of 57 MW. The relevant legislation (Article 12, paragraphs 1 and 3 of Decree 387/2003, article 1 of Decree 105/2010 converted into Law 129/2010 and Section 3.1 of the Ministerial Decree 10.09.2010) defines as integral parts of the plants powered by renewable sources all the works and infrastructures, and therefore also "works needed for the connection to the electricity grid”, "indispensable" for the their operation. As specified in the judgment, "the EIA screening should refer to the entire plants since for the realization of the connection to the electricity grid it is necessary to perform interventions and excavation works that may damage the 'environment and/or the landscape".