Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Submit Comments


Pursuant to Decree 152/2006, any natural or legal person either individually or collectively may submit comments on the plans and programs subject to Strategic Environmental Assessment,  projects subject to Environmental Impact Assessment and installations subject to IPPC Permit, even by providing new or additional relevant information and details.

The timing for the submission of comments, is provided below:

Comments must be submitted within 45 days from the publishing date of the public notice, as provided by article 14 paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree 152/2006, sent by the proceeding authority to the competent authority as provided by article 13, paragraph 5, letter e) of Legislative Decree 152/2006. The public notice will be published on the website of the competent authority and the proceeding authority as provided by article 13, paragraph 5-bis of Legislative Decree 152/2006.

Comments must be received within 30 days from publishing date of the EIA Preliminary Study on the Environmental Assessments and Authorizations Portal of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security.

Comments must be submitted within 60 days days from the publishing date of the public notice on the Environmental Assessments and Permits Portal of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security.
For comments on re-publication made as a result of a request for additions, the above deadlines are halved (from 60 to 30 days).

Comments must be submitted within 30 days days from the publishing date of the public notice on the Environmental Assessments and Authorizations Portal of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security for the following projects:

  • projects included in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP)
  • projects financed by the Complementary Fund
  • projects implementing the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (NIECP)

For comments on re-publication made following a request for additions, the above deadlines are halved (from 30 to 15 days)

Comments must be submitted within 30 days from the publishing date, on the Portal of the environmental assessments and authorizations of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, of the authorization application or of the information for the periodical permit review deemed necessary by the manager.


You can submit your comments to Ministry of Environment and Energy Security,
General Directorate for Environmental Assessments by:

Login SPID SPID (Public Digital Identity System)/ CIE (Electronic Identity Card)
FAX FAX (+39) 0657223040
Posta POSTA via Cristoforo Colombo 44, 00147 Roma