Environmental Assessments (SEA and EIA) ensure that plans, programmes and projects are carried out in accordance with the principles of protection of the environment, community quality life and sustainable development.
The IPPC permit authorizes the operation of an installation under certain conditions that guarantee compliance with the IPPC requirements (integrated pollution prevention and reduction).
The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) applies to plans and programmes related to several sectors including energy, transport, spatial planning and waste management
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) applies to single projects, such as roads, power lines, airports and industrial installations
IPPC permit under State jurisdiction applies to installations referred to in Annex XII, part two of Legislative Decree 152/2006 such as combustion installations with a thermal input of 300 MWt or more, gas reprocessing plants, refineries, integrated steel plants, large chemical plants, plants located at sea.
SEA main purpose is integrating environmental issues into the preparation and adoption of planning and programming tools in order to ensure the sustainability of the choices to be made
EIA main purpose is achieving high levels of protection and quality of the environment with a prior assessment of the possible consequences resulting from the construction and operation of projects / interventions
IPPC permit under State jurisdiction is aimed at the integrated prevention and reduction of pollution caused by industrial installations, ensuring the achievement of a high level of protection of the environment as a whole and the application of BAT.
SEA, EIA and IPPC permit are participatory processes involving different parties:
The current legislation concerning the right of access to administrative documents (L.241/1990 as amended) and to environmental information (Legislative Decree no. 195/2005), implementing the principle of transparency, ensures freedom of access to documents held by the Public Administration to the person concerned, or, in the case of environmental information"to any person or entity who requests it".
The viewing of the proceedings is free of charge and must be carried out at the premises of the Public Administration holder of the same, by appointment with the competent Offices.
Extracting copy of records is subject to the provisions at the following link: https://www.mase.gov.it/pagina/altri-contenuti-accesso-civico
Comments must be submitted within 45 days from the publishing date of the public notice, as provided by article 14 paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree 152/2006, sent by the proceeding authority to the competent authority as provided by article 13, paragraph 5, letter e) of Legislative Decree 152/2006. The public notice will be published on the website of the competent authority and the proceeding authority as provided by article 13, paragraph 5-bis of Legislative Decree 152/2006.
Comments must be received within 30 days from publishing date of the EIA Preliminary Study on the Environmental Assessments and Authorizations Portal of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security.
Comments must be submitted within 60 days days from the publishing date of the public notice on the Environmental Assessments and Permits Portal of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security.
For comments on re-publication made as a result of a request for additions, the above deadlines are halved (from 60 to 30 days).
Comments must be submitted within 30 days days from the publishing date of the public notice on the Environmental Assessments and Authorizations Portal of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security for the following projects:
For comments on re-publication made following a request for additions, the above deadlines are halved (from 30 to 15 days)
Comments must be submitted within 30 days from the publishing date, on the Portal of the environmental assessments and authorizations of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, of the authorization application or of the information for the periodical permit review deemed necessary by the manager.
You can submit your comments to Ministry of Environment and Energy Security,
General Directorate for Environmental Assessments by: