Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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New Interministerial Decree establishing the remuneration of the Technical Verification Committee of Environmental Impact - EIA and SEA and of the Technical support Committee



With the Interministerial Decree n. 2 of 4 January 2018, registered at the Central Budget Office on 10 January 2018, the running costs of the Technical Verification Committee of Environmental Impact - EIA and SEA and of the Technical support Committee, including their remuneration, have been established.

The Decree, compared to the previous Ministerial Decree (GAB/DEC/2008/153) introduces many innovative elements, also related to the Ministerial Decree no. 342 of 13 December 2017 laying down the structure, organization and methods of operation of the Technical Verification Committee of Environmental Impact - EIA and SEA and the Technical support Committee

In particular, the remuneration are set proportionally to the responsibilities of each member of the Technical Verification Committee and of the Technical support Committee proportionally to the activities actually carried out and are calculated for an overall value not exceeding the amount of the fees referred to in Article 33 of the Legislative Decree 3 April 2006, n. 152 (burdens to be borne by the developers) paid to the State budget in the previous year.

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