Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Update of the provisions for the contribution of 0.5 per thousand for the EIA procedure



The Directorate-General for the Environmental Assessments and the Environmental Authorizations of the Ministry of the Environment updated the contents of the "Provisions concerning the payment of the contribution of 0.5 per thousand for the works subject to national Environmental Impact Assessment procedure (Article 9, paragraph 6 of Presidential Decree of 14 May 2007, no.90 and Articles 23 and 33 of Decree 152/2006 as amended by the Decree 128/2010)."

Such updating relates to the procedures to be used for the payment of the contribution of 0.5 per thousand from a foreign country (in euros or in any other currency) and the declaration in lieu of affidavit.

Furthermore, two new forms have been prepared for the general economic framework of the value of the work, to be used for the public works and for the private ones.

The new provisions are available in the Section of the Portal COMMUNIC-ACTION: Developer Area.

The form containing the declaration in lieu of affidavit and the general economic framework of the value of the work is available in the Section of the Portal DATA AND TOOLS: Forms.

PDF Document Provisions concerning the payment of the contribution of 0.5 per thousand for the works subject to national EIA procedures 3,3 MB