The Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, as part of the activities of CReIAMO PA Project LQS1 Intervention Line - Environmental Assessments, has issued operational guidelines for the environmental monitoring of plans and programmes subject to Strategic Environmental Assessment. In particular:
The two documents provide a homogeneous and easy-to-apply approach methodology for measuring the sustainability of plans and programmes also considering the Sustainable Development Strategies - both national and regional - that constitute the new reference framework for environmental assessments. The guideline documents are intended to accompany the proceeding authorities in the drafting of the environmental monitoring plan and the periodic environmental monitoring reports, and the competent authorities in the assessment activities foreseen within the SEA process.
The specific operational guidelines for the Strategic Environmental Assessment of municipal Master Plans are the result of an experimental process that involved 7 Italian Regions and several Municipalities. In particular, the document:
The documents are available in the Sector studies and investigations Section of the SEA-EIA-IPPC Permits Environmental Assessments and Authorisations Portal of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security.