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New guidelines of the European Commission for screening and scoping procedures and for the preparation of the Environmental Impact Study



The European Commission has published the new guidelines for screening procedure (art. 19 D.Lgs.152/2006), for scoping procedure (definition of the contents of the Environmental Impact Study, art. 21 D.Lgs.152/2006) and for the preparation of the Environmental Impact Study (Environmental Impact Study, art. 22 D.Lgs. 152/2006).

The new guidelines update and integrate the guidelines already issued in 2001 to ensure the necessary consistency with the new provisions of Directive 2014/52/EU which introduced significant changes to EIA regulation, both procedural and technical.

The documents were also prepared with the collaboration of the Member States within the Commission Group of EIA/SEA National Experts, where the Ministry of the Environment is represented with the national focal point appointed by the Directorate for the Environmental Assessments and Authorizations.

It should be noted the significant importance of the European guidelines for the correct implementation of the new provisions introduced by Legislative Decree 104/2017, with particular reference to:

  • the screening procedure, for the correct preparation of the Environmental Preliminary Study, according to the contents of the new Annex IVbis to the Second Part of the Legislative Decree 152/2006 which transposes Annex IIA to 2014/52/EU directive,
  • the screening procedure, for the correct preparation of the Environmental Preliminary Study, according to the information and the contents of art. 22 and Annex VII to the Second Part of the Legislative Decree 152/2006 which transposes Annex VII to 2014/52/EU directive, pending the adoption of national guidelines and technical standards for the preparation of the EIA documentation, including the integration of the contents of the Environmental Impact Studies referred to in Annex VII to the Second Part of the Legislative Decree 152/2006, pursuant to the provisions of art. 25, paragraph 4 of the Legislative Decree 104/2017.

Guidance on Screening

Guidance on Scoping

Guidance on the preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report