Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Conference "Integrated Risk - Definition, evaluation, management"



From the 14th to 16th of March will be held in Milan the conference "Integrated Risk - Definition, evaluation, management" organized by the Lombardy Region in collaboration with the Foundation "Lombardy for Environment" and the Ministry of the Environment.

The conference represents the final stage of a process of technical and scientific in-depth launched in 2005 on integrated territorial management of natural and technological hazards, funded under the Agreement between the Ministry of the Environment and the Lombardy Region "for knowledge sharing and testing methodologies in the field of prevention and control of major-accident hazards".

On the opening dayis expected to attendthe Directorate-Generalfor environmental assessments– Relevant RiskandIntegrated Environmental AuthorizationDivision -in the session dedicated to the state of the artand prospectsoftechnological risks.

The following days interventions on the methodologies and strategies for integrated risk management and for the prevention and mitigation of risk in spatial planning at local, regional and international levels are planned.

More information about the conference is available at www.flanet.org.