Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Workshop "Monitoring in environmental assessments"



In collaboration with the Region of Calabria and the city of Lamezia Terme, the Directorate for Environmental Assessment has organized a workshop on "Monitoring in environmental assessments", as the beneficiary of the initiatives planned to rely on the specific Objective 5.5 of the Axis E of the National Operational Programme "Governance and System Actions" 2007-2013.

According to the program, the technical session in the morning, which involved, among others, ISPRA, the 'ARPA Calabria, the city of Lamezia Terme in addition to some proponents of plans and projects was followed by a panel discussion, coordinated by Prof. Eliot Laniado (IEIIT CNR - Poliedra, Politecnico di Milano) on "The integrated monitoring: methods, experimentation."