Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Venis Cruise 2.0 Project - Construction of a new terminal at Bocca di Lido in Venice for the mooring of large cruise ships

Venezia - Bocca di Lido


Duferco Sviluppo Srl and DP Consulting Srl have just submitted a request to start the consultation for defining the contents of the environmental impact study (Scoping) pursuant to article 21 of Legislative Decree 152/2006 for the Venis Cruise 2.0 Project - Construction of a new terminal at Bocca di Lido in Venice for the mooring of large cruise ships.

The project provides for the mooring of cruise ships at Bocca di Lido and the transfer of passengers and luggage to the Venice’s maritime station through motor ships.

The new terminal represents an alternative to the transit of passenger ships of more than 40,000 GT in the Giudecca Channel as required by Ministerial Decree of 2nd of March 2012.

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