Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Transboundary consultations on the Flood risk Management Plan of Rhone - Mediterranean basin 2016-2021 (France)



By letter dated 23 January 2015 the French Prefect of the Rhone-Alps Region notified the start of the transboundary consultations on the “Flood Risk Management Plan of Rhone - Mediterranean Basin 2016-2021” as provided for by SEA Protocol to the Espoo Convention on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context.

Following this notice, the Ministry of the Environment informed the Regions concerned (Piemonte and Liguria) and the Basin Autority ( Basin Autority of River Po and Basin Autority of River Arno ) about the start of the consultation.

The deadline for submitting comments on the Plan by Italy is the 15th of April 2015.

Based on the documentation submitted by the French Prefect of the Rhone-Alps Region (available on the dedicated French website) anyone can submit comments to this Ministry by 10 April 2015:

  • in writing to the Ministry of the Environment - Directorate General for Environmental Assessments and Permits - Division II Environmental Assessment Systems, Via Cristoforo Colombo 44, 00147 Rome;
  • electronically, by certified email to DGSalvaguardia.Ambientale@PEC.minambiente.it.

The Ministry of the Environment will collect all comments received within the deadline, together with its own, and forward them to the competent French authorities.

Documentation available on the dedicated French website.