Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Workshop “Information and transparency in Environmental Assessments” 30.9.2015



Within the activities of the 2007-2013 National Operational Programme "Governance and System Actions", the Directorate General for Environmental Assessments and Authorizations of the Ministry of the Environment has scheduled a workshop on the topics of information and transparency in SEA and EIA processes, that will take place in Rome (Auditoriom of the MoE) on the 30th of September.

The purpose of the event is to outline the reference framework, at national, regional and local level, as regards the contents and the ways for sharing the technical and procedural information relevant for SEA and EIA at the different competence levels, addressing the key issues – information, e-Government, transparency – also taking into account the provisions of the new EIA directive 2014/52/EU focusing on the obligation to ensure public information through appropriate information technology systems.

The workshop, with the involvement of public and private subjects, is intended to identify the tools to improve the information and communication processes, while promoting shared and homogeneous methods and innovative tools.

Further details are available on the PON-GAS website (www.pongas.minambiente.it)


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