Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Transboundary consultations - Program of exploring and exploiting hydrocarbons at the Ionian Sea



On 17 March 2017 the Ministry of environment and energy of the Hellenic Republic asked Italy to notify its interest in participating to the transboundary consultations on the “Program of exploring and exploiting hydrocarbons at the Ionian Sea” according to the provisions of Kiev Protocol and to the directive 2001/42/CE.

With letter dated 29 March 2017, Italy notified to the Hellenic Ministry its interest in participating to the transboundary consultations, asking at the same time an extra time for the submission of comments and the availability of an Italian version of the Non-technical Summary and the translation into English of the SEA Report.

Pending the acceptance by Greece of the above request, please visit the SEA Report in Greek and non-technical summary in English on the Hellenic Ministry Portal and on the Italian SEA-EIA Portal.

The deadline to send any contributions, which should be produced in English and in word format in order to be properly taken into account in drafting national comments and sent by certified e-mail to the following address: DGSalvaguardia.Ambientale@PEC.minambiente.it, is 18 April 2017.

These contributions could be integrated, if the Greek authorities produce new documents and welcome the extension of time for submission of comments from Italy.