Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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EIA Compliance: Rationalization of the high voltage electricity grid in the city of Torino - Reorganization of the 220 kV power lines T.217 "Pianezza-Moncalieri", T.231 "Pianezza-Piossasco", T.233 "Pianezza-Pellerina", T.254 "Pianezza-Torino Nord" coming i

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The EIA compliance determination (DEC 357 of 21/11/2019) related to the project "Rationalization of the high voltage electricity grid in the city of Torino - Reorganization of the 220 kV power lines T.217 "Pianezza-Moncalieri", T.231 "Pianezza-Piossasco", T.233 "Pianezza-Pellerina", T.254 "Pianezza-Torino Nord" coming into the Electrical Station of Pianezza in the municipalities of Pianezza and Collegno (TO)" has been issued with a "ottemperata" outcome.

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