Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Project Change under art.169 Legislative Decree 163/2006: Agrigento - Caltanissetta - A19 route, SS640 of Porto Empedocle. 2nd section from km 44+ 000 to the junction with the A19 - Variation plan construction site

210 - Itinerario Agrigento - Caltanissetta - dal km 44 allo svincolo del A19


The Project Change determination (DVA-DEC-2015-0000079 of 2 April 2015) related to the project Agrigento - Caltanissetta - A19 route, SS640 of Porto Empedocle. Modernization and upgrading to the cat.B DM 05.11.2001 - 2nd section from km 44 + 000 to the junction with the A19 - Variation plan construction site has been issued with favourable outcome.

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