Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Unsubstantial project change art.169 Legislative Decree 163/2006: A12 Livorno-Civitavecchia motorway. Lot 5A branch Ansedonia-Pescia Romana and lot 6B branch Pescia Romana-Tarquinia



The unsubstantial project change determination (DVA-DEC-2015-0000221 of 26 May 2015) related to A12 Livorno-Civitavecchia motorway. Lot 5A branch Ansedonia-Pescia Romana and lot 6B branch Pescia Romana-Tarquinia has been issued with favourable outcome exclusively for local traffic relating lot 6B, to be implemented within the lot 6A.

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