Title | File name | Section | Code | Date | Scale | Size | Metadata | download |
Osservazioni dell'ARPAM - Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale delle Marche, in data 02/05/2024 | MASE-2024-0080118.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences - Scoping stage | MASE-2024-0080118 | 02/05/2024 | - | 403 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni della Regione Marche - Servizio Tutela, Gestione e Assetto del Territorio Valutazioni e Autorizzazioni ambientali, Qualità dell'Aria e Protezione Naturalistica, in data 24/04/2024 | MASE-2024-0077108.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences - Scoping stage | MASE-2024-0077108 | 29/04/2024 | - | 324 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni dell'ARPA PUGLIA - Direzione Scientifica U.O.C. Ambienti Naturali, in data 8/07/2024 | MASE-2024-0125712.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences sent after the deadline - Scoping stage | MASE-2024-0125712 | 10/07/2024 | - | 1236 kB | Metadata | Download |
ENG_Draft_SEA_Report_for_the_draft_Spatial_plan_shorten_version | ENG_Draft_SEA_Report_for_the_draft_Spatial_plan_shorten_version.pdf | Transboundary consultations | ELAB. 1 | 17/04/2024 | - | 10744 kB | Metadata | Download |
EXCERPT_FROM_THE_DRAFT_SPATIAL_PLAN_OF_MONTENEGRO | EXCERPT_FROM_THE_DRAFT_SPATIAL_PLAN_OF_MONTENEGRO.pdf | Transboundary consultations | ELAB. 2 | 17/04/2024 | - | 3486 kB | Metadata | Download |
SEA_notification_for_MNE_Spatial_plan_march_2024 | SEA_notification_for_MNE_Spatial_plan_march_2024.pdf | Transboundary consultations | ELAB. 3 | 17/04/2024 | - | 212 kB | Metadata | Download |