Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Development of Vega B Field - Exploitation concession C.C6.EO - Sicily Channel

General information

Work: Hydrocarbons exploitation concession C.C6.EO

Project: Development of Vega B Field - Exploitation concession C.C6.EO - Sicily Channel

Description: The project provides for the development of Vega B field to completing the work plan of the exploitation concession C.C6.EO by the installation of a new platform Vega B located at about 6 km north-west from Vega A platform, the drilling of 4 wells, the installation of two submarine pipelines for the connection of Vega A and Vega B platforms, the laying of two submarine power cables between Vega A and Vega B platforms and the adaptation of Vega A platform facilities

Developer: EDISON S.p.A.

Project type: Hydrocarbon exploitation

Related website: Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico

Related website: Procedura integrata VIA-AIA: documentazione AIA

Territories and marine areas


Regions: Sicilia

Provinces: Ragusa

Municipalities: Pozzallo, Modica, Scicli

Marine areas: Stretto di Sicilia

Select procedure

Procedure Online application code Procedure Code Starting date Stage of the procedure
Environmental Impact Assessment 5155 21/02/2020 Concluded Procedure details Documents
Environmental Impact Assessment 3408 29/07/2016 Concluded Procedure details Documents
Environmental Impact Assessment 2000 27/07/2012 Concluded Procedure details Documents