Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Renewal of the mining concession for the gaseus hydrocarbons exploitation concession "Vetta"

General information

Work: Hydrocarbons exploitation concession "Vetta"

Project: Renewal of the mining concession for the gaseus hydrocarbons exploitation concession "Vetta"

Description: The project involves the drilling of 3 wells (Boccasuolo A, Boccasuolo B and Sassatella C), the possible start of production of the wells and the realization of the related connections to gas pipeline network.

Developer: S.I.A.M. Srl

Project type: Hydrocarbon exploitation

Related website: Ministero dello sviluppo economico

Deadline for submission of comments: 03/11/2017 mail

Territories and marine areas


Regions: Emilia Romagna

Provinces: Modena

Municipalities: Montefiorino, Palagano

Marine areas: None

Select procedure

Procedure Online application code Procedure Code Starting date Stage of the procedure
Environmental Impact Assessment 3406 27/07/2016 Concluded Procedure details Documents