Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Centrale termoelettrica di Villa di Serio

General information

Installation: Centrale termoelettrica di Villa di Serio

Localization: 24020 - SP 35 - Via Kennedy

Installation type: Thermal power plant

Activity type: 1.1 - Impianti di combustione con potenza calorifica di combustione > 50 MW; 

Operator: Italgen S.p.A.

Tax code: 02605580162

Installation status: Archiviato

Territories and marine areas

Regions: Lombardia

Provinces: Bergamo

Municipalities: Villa di Serio

Marine areas: None

Select procedure

Procedure Procedure Code Starting date Stage of the procedure
IPPC permit’s renewal 167/238 04/03/2011 Concluded Procedure details Documents
IPPC permit for new installation 167 29/04/2008 Concluded Procedure details Documents