Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Manutenzione straordinaria condotta addutrice per Macomer ID e.26 e ID e.26A

General information

Work: Condotta addutrice per Macomer

Project: Manutenzione straordinaria condotta addutrice per Macomer ID e.26 e ID e.26A

Developer: Abbanoa S.p.A.

Project type: Hydraulic works

Deadline for submission of comments: 01/08/2020 mail

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Territories and marine areas


Regions: Sardegna

Provinces: Nuoro, Oristano

Municipalities: Macomer, Sindia, Scano di Montiferro

Marine areas: None

Select procedure

Procedure Online application code Procedure Code Starting date Stage of the procedure
EIA Screening 5314 12/05/2020 Concluded Procedure details Documents