Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Realizzazione di una rotatoria in località Spresiano al km 34+000 della S.S. 13 "Pontebbana"

General information

Work: S.S. 13 "Pontebbana"

Project: Realizzazione di una rotatoria in località Spresiano al km 34+000 della S.S. 13 "Pontebbana"

Developer: Anas S.p.A. Area Compartimentale Veneto

Project type: Roads

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Territories and marine areas

Regions: Veneto

Provinces: Treviso

Municipalities: Spresiano

Marine areas: None

Select procedure

Procedure Online application code Procedure Code Starting date Stage of the procedure
Preliminary assessment 5358 26/06/2020 Concluded Procedure details Documents