EIA Compliance |
10810 |
02/12/2023 |
Concluded |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
10810 |
: |
Autostrada A33 Asti-Cuneo. Tronco II A21 (Asti est) - A6 (Marene) - Lotto 6 Roddi-Diga Enel - Stralcio A tra il Lotto II.7 e la pk 5+000 - Condizioni ambientali dal n. 1 al n. 28 del parere CTVA n. 379/2023, condizioni nn. 1, 5, 6, 24, 28 del parere del Ministero della cultura n.12190/2023, condizioni dal n. 2 al n. 49 del parere della Regione Piemonte di cui alla deliberazione di Giunta Regionale n. 12-4465 del 29/12/2021 |
Date of application submission: |
02/12/2023 |
Technical assessment starting date: |
15/01/2024 |
Communication date of the outcome to the developer: |
28/03/2024 |
Protocol of outcome communication to the developer: |
MASE_2024-0060010 |
Outcome: |
Ottemperata |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Carlo Di Gianfrancesco - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mase.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Concluded |
EIA Compliance |
10180 |
03/08/2023 |
Concluded |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
10180 |
: |
Autostrada A33 Asti-Cuneo. Tronco II A21 (Asti est) - A6 (Marene) - Lotto 6 Roddi-Diga Enel - Stralcio A tra il Lotto II.7 e la pk 5+000 |
Date of application submission: |
03/08/2023 |
Technical assessment starting date: |
07/09/2023 |
Determination date: |
06/11/2023 |
Determination number: |
MASE_VA_DEC_2023-0000538 |
Determination outcome: |
Parzialmente ottemperata |
Notification date: |
07/11/2023 |
Notification Reference number: |
MASE-2023-0179637 |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Carlo Di Gianfrancesco - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mase.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Concluded |
Environmental Impact Assessment |
7447 |
22/09/2021 |
Concluded |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
7447 |
: |
Autostrada A33 Asti-Cuneo. Tronco II A21 (Asti est) - A6 (Marene) - Lotto 6 Roddi-Diga Enel - Stralcio A tra il Lotto II.7 e la pk 5+000 |
Date of application submission: |
22/09/2021 |
Data avvio consultazione pubblica: |
20/10/2021 |
Deadline of submission of Public Comments: |
19/12/2021 |
Date of request for documents perfection : |
30/09/2021 |
Date of perfection proceedings documents receipt: |
15/10/2021 |
Date of request for integrations: |
03/08/2022 |
Date of integrations receipt: |
17/11/2022 |
Data comunicazione avvio nuova consultazione pubblica: |
18/11/2022 |
Deadline of submission of Public Comments on the republished project: |
18/12/2022 |
Date of the Opinion of the National Technical Commission : |
09/01/2023 |
National Technical Commission Opinion number: |
379 |
National Technical Commission Opinion outcome: |
Positivo con prescrizioni/raccomandazioni |
Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism Opinion date: |
03/04/2023 |
Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism Opinion date: |
12190 |
Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism Opinion date: |
Positivo |
Date of the EIA Decree: |
18/04/2023 |
EIA Decree number: |
DM_2023-0000194 |
EIA Decree outcome: |
Positivo con prescrizioni/raccomandazioni |
Notification date: |
21/04/2023 |
Notification Reference number: |
MASE_2023-0064618 |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Carlo Di Gianfrancesco - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mase.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Concluded |