EIA Compliance |
11338 |
04/04/2024 |
EIA-SEA Technical Committee's assessment
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
11338 |
: |
Lavori di ammodernamento della SS 131 "Carlo Felice" - omogeneo da Monastir (CA) a Sanluri. Tratto compreso tra il km 23+885 ed il km 32+412. Sovrappasso sulla SS131 della strada Comunale di Muracesus |
Date of application submission: |
04/04/2024 |
Date of request for documents perfection : |
02/05/2024 |
Date of perfection proceedings documents receipt: |
16/05/2024 |
Technical assessment starting date: |
13/06/2024 |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Barbara Mulattieri - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
EIA-SEA Technical Committee's assessment
EIA Compliance |
04/04/2024 |
- |
Procedure details
: |
Lavori di ammodernamento della SS 131 "Carlo Felice" - omogeneo da Monastir (CA) a Sanluri. Tratto compreso tra il km 23+885 ed il km 32+412. Sovrappasso sulla SS131 della strada Comunale di Muracesus |
Date of application submission: |
04/04/2024 |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Carlo Di Gianfrancesco - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
- |
EIA Compliance |
4612 |
08/04/2019 |
Concluded |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
4612 |
: |
S.S. 131 "Carlo Felice" Lavori di ammodernamento e di adeguamento del tronco compreso tra il km 23+885 e il km 32+412. Lavori di completamento. |
Date of application submission: |
08/04/2019 |
Technical assessment starting date: |
23/04/2019 |
Date of notification to the developer of the procedure outcomes: |
12/12/2019 |
Date of the Opinion of the National Technical Commission : |
22/05/2020 |
National Technical Commission Opinion number: |
PRR-3433 |
National Technical Commission Opinion outcome: |
Positivo |
Determination date: |
29/07/2019 |
Determination number: |
DVA_DEC_2019-0000272 |
Determination outcome: |
Ottemperata |
Notification Reference number: |
DVA/2019/32449 |
Outcome: |
Ottemperata |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Carlo Di Gianfrancesco - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Concluded |
EIA Screening |
3210 |
09/12/2015 |
Concluded |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
3210 |
: |
Modifiche al progetto definitivo. Ridefinizione di svincoli e modifiche a sovrapassi e sottopassi tra il km 23+885 ed il km 32+412 |
Date of application submission: |
09/12/2015 |
Publication date of the notice: |
15/12/2015 |
Deadline of submission of Public Comments: |
29/01/2016 |
Technical assessment starting date: |
16/12/2015 |
Date of integrations receipt: |
06/04/2017 |
Date of the Opinion of the National Technical Commission : |
16/03/2018 |
National Technical Commission Opinion number: |
2673 |
National Technical Commission Opinion outcome: |
Esclusa dalla VIA con prescrizioni |
Determination date: |
30/03/2018 |
Determination number: |
DVA-DEC-2018-0000158 |
Determination outcome: |
Esclusa dalla VIA con prescrizioni |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Antonio Venditti - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Concluded |
EIA Compliance |
2385 |
13/06/2013 |
Concluded |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
2385 |
: |
Prescrizioni c,l del Decreto VIA n. 547 del 27/08/2003 |
Date of application submission: |
13/06/2013 |
Determination date: |
18/02/2015 |
Determination number: |
DVA-2015-0004489 |
Determination outcome: |
Ottemperata |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Carlo Di Gianfrancesco - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Concluded |
Environmental Impact Assessment |
1309 |
19/05/2000 |
Concluded |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
1309 |
Date of application submission: |
19/05/2000 |
Date of the EIA Decree: |
27/08/2003 |
EIA Decree number: |
DSA-DEC-2003_0000547 |
EIA Decree outcome: |
Positivo con prescrizioni |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Concluded |