Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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General information
Document Richiesta integrazioni del 14/10/2013
Code DVA-2013-0023240
Autor Commissione Tecnica di Verifica dell'Impatto Ambientale
Publisher Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare - Direzione Generale per le Valutazioni e le Autorizzazioni Ambientali
Metadata responsible party Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare - Direzione Generale per le Valutazioni e le Autorizzazioni Ambientali
Document type Document
Equivalent Scale -
Language Italiano
Size 295 kB
Content information
Project "Ripalta Storage" Concession - Expansion of the storage capacity by increasing the maximum operating pressure (Pmax) over the original bottom static pressure (Pi) of the reservoir (Pmax = 1.10 Pi) and the withdrawal peak capacity , through the implementation of a new treatment plant, the drilling of four new wells and the construction of the infrastructures required
Procedure Environmental Impact Assessment
Section Republication/Integrations/Supplementary documentation request
Topic category environment, environmental impact assessment
Document dates
Date of publication 21/10/2013
Date of creation 14/10/2013