Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Online all the technical documentation of the verification stages (compliance and follow-up) of projects subject to EIA - Strategic works Law 443/2001



For several years the General-Directorate is committed to ensuring, through the SEA-EIA Portal, all the information necessary to inform the public about the national SEA-EIA processes guaranteeing the availability of the technical documentation related to projects and to the environment, the decisions issued and the real-time information on the stage of the procedures.

From the 1st of January 2015, for the projects subject to EIA (Strategic works Law 443/2001), the Directorate launched the systematic publication of technical documentation relating to the verification stages of projects provided for by Decree 163/2006 as amended, which include:

  • EIA Compliance with the conditions attached to the development consent (CIPE Decision, including the EIA opinion and attached conditions) of the preliminary project and to verify the compliance of the definitive project to the preliminary one, already subject to EIA,
  • EIA Follow-up to verify the compliance of the executive project to the definitive one and the results of the environmental monitoring of the project (pre-construction, construction and operation phases), for which, to date, the publication of information on the stage of the procedures and related decisions issued has been guaranteed.

From the 1st of January 2015, the systematic publication of technical documentation is also guaranteed for the EIA-Compliance procedures of all projects subject to EIA (not only for the strategic works under Law 443/2001) .

This commitment arises from the wishes to ensure a high level of transparency and more complete information to the public for the stages following the conclusion of the EIA procedure which complete the EIA process with the necessary controls by the Ministry of Environment on the effectiveness of the conditions attached to the EIA decision and the environmental monitoring of the project.