Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Port of Naples - Adaptation of east dock into container terminal by reclaiming of the dock and connecting works


(n.65) Documents of the Environmental Impact Assessment

Title Section Code Date Scale Size
Quadro di Riferimento Programmatico EIA Report - Policy framework QRPRM 28/06/2007 - 3233 kB Metadata Download
Tavola 7 - Planimetria stato attuale EIA Report - Project design framework QRPRG-tav-07 28/06/2007 - 223 kB Metadata Download
Tavola 8 - Rilievo dei sottoservizi EIA Report - Project design framework QRPRG-tav-08 28/06/2007 - 246 kB Metadata Download
Tavola 9 - Principali infrastrutture esistenti sotterranee EIA Report - Project design framework QRPRG-tav-09 28/06/2007 - 119 kB Metadata Download
Tavola 10 - Planimetria dello stato dei luoghi ante operam dopo le "opere urgenti" EIA Report - Project design framework QRPRG-tav-10 28/06/2007 - 194 kB Metadata Download
Tavola 11 - Opere da realizzare EIA Report - Project design framework QRPRG-tav-11 28/06/2007 - 119 kB Metadata Download
Tavola 12 - Le aree funzionali all'interno del terminale EIA Report - Project design framework QRPRG-tav-12 28/06/2007 - 298 kB Metadata Download
Tavola 13 - Planimetria delle aree stoccaggio EIA Report - Project design framework QRPRGe-tav-13 28/06/2007 - 195 kB Metadata Download
Tavola 14 - Planimetria di progetto EIA Report - Project design framework QRPRG-tav-14 28/06/2007 - 292 kB Metadata Download
Tavola 15 - Sezioni di progetto A-A' EIA Report - Project design framework QRPRG-tav-15 28/06/2007 - 63 kB Metadata Download