Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Minerbio Storage Concession - Expansion of the storage capacity by increasing the maximum operating pressure (pmax) as well as the original static bottom pressure (pi) of the reservoir (pmax = 1.07 pi)


(n.119) Documents of the Environmental Impact Assessment

Title Section Code Date Scale Size
Studio di impatto ambientale - Volume 1 - Relazione General documentation 00-BG-E-94769-001 14/01/2013 - 28 kB Metadata Download
Studio di impatto ambientale - Volume 2 - Cartografia General documentation 00-BG-E-94769-002 14/01/2013 - 30 kB Metadata Download
Studio di impatto ambientale - Volume 3 - Allegati e appendici General documentation 00-BG-E-94769-003 14/01/2013 - 35 kB Metadata Download
Introduzione allo Studio di impatto ambientale General documentation 00-BG-E-94769-004 14/01/2013 - 425 kB Metadata Download
Elenco elaborati Lists of Project documents EE-001 14/01/2013 - 25 kB Metadata Download
Delimitazione dell’area di studio EIA Report - Policy framework 00-BG-E-94769-043 14/01/2013 1:10.000 6831 kB Metadata Download
Carta dei vincoli sovraordinati EIA Report - Policy framework 00-BG-E-94769-044 14/01/2013 1:10.000 6868 kB Metadata Download
Carta dei vincoli provinciali - PTCP Bologna (Tutela dei sistemi ambientali e delle risorse naturali e storico-culturali) EIA Report - Policy framework 00-BG-E-94769-045 14/01/2013 1:10.000 6910 kB Metadata Download
Carta dei vincoli provinciali - PTCP Bologna (Reti ecologiche) EIA Report - Policy framework 00-BG-E-94769-046 14/01/2013 1:10.000 6829 kB Metadata Download
Studio di impatto ambientale - Volume 1 - Sezione 2 - Quadro programmatico EIA Report - Policy framework 00-BG-E-94769-042 14/01/2013 - 1409 kB Metadata Download