Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Small size LNG storage, regasification and distribution terminal in the port of Monfalcone and related works


(n.702) Documents of the Environmental Impact Assessment

Title Section Code Date Scale Size
Figura 2.1 - Inquadramento Territoriale EIA Report - Policy framework SIA-002 31/07/2014 1:50000 673 kB Metadata Download
Figura 5.2b - Rete Natura 2000 e IBA EIA Report - Policy framework 14-007-H10-Q-PRGR-FIG-0502-b 30/03/2015 1:50000 666 kB Metadata Download
Figura 7.1a - Vincoli Aeronautici EIA Report - Policy framework 14-007-H10-Q-PRGR-FIG-0701-a 30/03/2015 - 1586 kB Metadata Download
Figura 5.1 - Aree Naturali Protette EIA Report - Policy framework SIA-003 31/07/2014 1:50000 632 kB Metadata Download
Figura 5.2a - Rete Natura 2000 e IBA EIA Report - Policy framework SIA-004 31/07/2014 1:50000 656 kB Metadata Download
Figura 7.1b - Vincoli Aeronautici EIA Report - Policy framework 14-007-H10-Q-PRGR-FIG-0701-b 30/03/2015 1:25000 3844 kB Metadata Download
Figura 8.1 - Piano di Gestione del Rischio Alluvioni 2015-2021 Aree Allagabili EIA Report - Policy framework 14-007-H10-Q-PRGR-FIG-0801 30/03/2015 1:50000 3796 kB Metadata Download
Figura 5.2b - Rete Natura 2000 e IBA EIA Report - Policy framework SIA-005 31/07/2014 1:50000 663 kB Metadata Download
Figura 7.1a - Vincoli Aeronautici EIA Report - Policy framework SIA-006 31/07/2014 - 1586 kB Metadata Download
Figura 9.1 - CSIM - Piano Operativo Attuativo Area del Lisert Porto EIA Report - Policy framework 14-007-H10-Q-PRGR-FIG-0901 30/03/2015 1:5000 4026 kB Metadata Download