Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Port of Brindisi - Completion of port infrastructure through docks and the contruction of a sediment tank between Pontile Petrolchimico and Costa Morena Est


(n.564) Documents of the EIA Compliance

Title Section Code Date Scale Size
Certificato di analisi Compliance documentation Certificato 2702-signed 13/10/2022 - 104 kB Metadata Download
Dati grezzi strumentali Compliance documentation Dati grezzi strumentali-signed 13/10/2022 - 1114 kB Metadata Download
Elaborazione dati Metalli Compliance documentation Elaborazione dati Metalli-signed 13/10/2022 - 51 kB Metadata Download
Elenco elaborati rilievi indagini archeologiche subacquee Compliance documentation ELENCO ELABORATI-signed 13/10/2022 - 230 kB Metadata Download
Indagine strumentale Side Scan Sonar Compliance documentation IS 01 A-signed 13/10/2022 - 5084 kB Metadata Download
Carta tipologie di fondo Compliance documentation IS 01 B-signed 13/10/2022 - 667 kB Metadata Download
Indagine strumentale Side Scan Sonar Compliance documentation IS 02 A-signed 13/10/2022 - 4437 kB Metadata Download
Carta tipologie di fondo Compliance documentation IS 02 B-signed 13/10/2022 - 715 kB Metadata Download
Indagine strumentale Side Scan Sonar Compliance documentation IS 03 A-signed 13/10/2022 - 4256 kB Metadata Download
Carta tipologie di fondo Compliance documentation IS 03 B-signed 13/10/2022 - 817 kB Metadata Download