Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Construction of a dock in the left bank of the river Magra in the municipality of Ameglia (SP)


(n.162) Documents of the Single Environmental Permit

Title File name Section Code Date Scale Size
Allegato al Decreto Direttoriale - Verbale Conferenza dei Servizi Comune di Amaglia Comune.pdf Determinazione motivata di conclusione della CdS MATTM/2021/0025494 16/03/2021 - 877 kB Metadata Download
Allegato al Decreto Direttoriale - Relazione conclusiva Proponente MATTM_2021-0007036_relaz_propon.pdf Determinazione motivata di conclusione della CdS MATTM/2021/0007036 17/03/2021 - 338 kB Metadata Download
Allegato al Decreto del Ministero dell'Ambiente - Parere CTVA del 17/04/2020 PARERE_N_3308_ID3899.pdf Decree of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security in concert with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism PRR 3308 10/03/2021 - 1399 kB Metadata Download
Allegato al Decreto del Ministero dell'Ambiente - Parere tecnico istruttorio MIBACT (ABAP) MATTM_2020-0042986.pdf Decree of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security in concert with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism MATTM/2020/42986 10/03/2021 - 120 kB Metadata Download
Decreto Direttoriale - Realizzazione di una Marina (Darsena) scavata a secco in proprietà privata in sponda sinistra del fiume Magra, nel Comune di Ameglia (Sp) MATTM_DEC_2021-0000076.pdf Decree of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security in concert with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism DEC - 76 25/03/2021 - 235 kB Metadata Download
Allegato al Decreto Direttoriale - Autorizzazione paesaggistica rilasciata dalla Regione Liguria, prot. PG-25628 del 25 gennaio 2021 MATTMI_0023595_08-03-2021_Regione_Liguria_autorizzazione.pdf Decree of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security in concert with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism MATTM/2021/0023595 25/03/2021 - 146 kB Metadata Download
Allegato al Decreto Direttoriale - Verbale Conferenza dei Servizi MATTM CreSS MATTM_2021-0013661_MAttm_proponente.pdf Decree of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security in concert with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism MATTM/2021/0013661 25/03/2021 - 1915 kB Metadata Download
Allegato al Decreto Direttoriale - Verbale Conferenza dei Servizi Regione Liguria MATTM_2021-0013759_Liguria.pdf Decree of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security in concert with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism MATTM/2021/0013759 25/03/2021 - 2477 kB Metadata Download
Allegato al Decreto Direttoriale - Verbale Conferenza dei Servizi MATTM_0024324_09-03-2021_Soprint.pdf Decree of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security in concert with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism MATTM/2021/0024324 25/03/2021 - 2401 kB Metadata Download
Allegato al Decreto Direttoriale - Verbale Conferenza dei Servizi Comune di Amaglia Comune.pdf Decree of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security in concert with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism MATTM/2021/0025494 25/03/2021 - 877 kB Metadata Download