Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Nodo di Bari: Bari Sud (Tratta Bari Centrale - Bari Torre a Mare).


(n.1942) Documents of the EIA Follow-up (Strategic works Law 443/2001)

Title File name Section Code Date Scale Size
Profilo geotecnico 10/11 151_IA3S01EZZF7GE0005010C-signed.pdf Project documentation 151-IA3S01EZZF7GE0005010C 10/08/2023 - 1285 kB Metadata Download
Profilo geotecnico 11/11 152_IA3S01EZZF7GE0005011C-signed.pdf Project documentation 152-IA3S01EZZF7GE0005011C 10/08/2023 - 1317 kB Metadata Download
Computo Metrico Estimativo - STRUTTURE FABBRICATI 159_IA3S01VZZCMFA0000009H-signed.pdf Project documentation 159-IA3S01VZZCMFA0000009H 10/08/2023 - 2132 kB Metadata Download
Allegato 4 - Confronto per WBS 173_IA3S01VZZCMMD0000030L-signed.pdf Project documentation 173-IA3S01VZZCMMD0000030L 10/08/2023 - 915 kB Metadata Download
Computo Metrico Estimativo PD - Impianti industriali 207_IA3S01VZZCMFA0000010I-signed.pdf Project documentation 207-IA3S01VZZCMFA0000010I 10/08/2023 - 1333 kB Metadata Download
Relazione tecnico - descrittiva B.S.T. 219_IA3S01EZZRHBB0000001G-signed.pdf Project documentation 219-IA3S01EZZRHBB0000001G 10/08/2023 - 584 kB Metadata Download
Planimetria di Progetto B.S.T. - Tav. 1 di 8 220_IA3S01EZZP6BB0000001G-signed.pdf Project documentation 220-IA3S01EZZP6BB0000001G 10/08/2023 - 8329 kB Metadata Download
Planimetria di Progetto B.S.T. - Tav. 2 di 8 221_IA3S01EZZP6BB0000002G-signed.pdf Project documentation 221-IA3S01EZZP6BB0000002G 10/08/2023 - 16202 kB Metadata Download
Planimetria di Progetto B.S.T. - Tav. 3 di 8 222_IA3S01EZZP6BB0000003G-signed.pdf Project documentation 222-IA3S01EZZP6BB0000003G 10/08/2023 - 4846 kB Metadata Download
Planimetria di Progetto B.S.T. - Tav. 4 di 8 223_IA3S01EZZP6BB0000004G-signed.pdf Project documentation 223-IA3S01EZZP6BB0000004G 10/08/2023 - 3347 kB Metadata Download