Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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(n.306) Documents of the EIA Follow-up (Strategic works Law 443/2001)

Title File name Section Code Date Scale Size
Elenco Elaborati 000_IA1U00E05LSMD0000001A.pdf Lists of Project documents 000-IA1U00E05LSMD0000001A 31/01/2024 - 973 kB Metadata Download
RELAZIONE DI ATTUAZIONE 001_IA1U00E05RGMD0000002A.pdf Project documentation 001-IA1U00E05RGMD000000A 31/01/2024 - 7703 kB Metadata Download
Relazione generale 002_IA1U00E05RGMD0000001C.pdf Project documentation 002-IA1U00E05RGMD0000001C 31/01/2024 - 8139 kB Metadata Download
Piano Operativo di Uso e Manutenzione 005_IA1U00E04MIES0005001A.pdf Project documentation 005-IA1U00E04MIES0005001A 31/01/2024 - 7466 kB Metadata Download
Programma Generale delle Soggezioni all'Esercizio Ferroviario 006_IA1U00E16PHES0002001B.pdf Project documentation 006-IA1U00E16PHES0002001B 31/01/2024 - 1713 kB Metadata Download
S. Anna - Piano Particellare 007_IA1U04E43BDAQ0000401A.pdf Project documentation 007-IA1U04E43BDAQ0000401A 31/01/2024 - 450 kB Metadata Download
S. Anna - Elenco Ditte 008_IA1U04E43EDAQ0000401A.pdf Project documentation 008-IA1U04E43EDAQ0000401A 31/01/2024 - 230 kB Metadata Download
Canale idraulico e strade di ricucitura - Piano Particellare 009_IA1U03E43BDAQ0000301B.pdf Project documentation 009-IA1U03E43BDAQ0000301B 31/01/2024 - 669 kB Metadata Download
Canale idraulico e strade di ricucitura - Elenco Ditte 010_IA1U03E43EDAQ0000301B.pdf Project documentation 010-IA1U03E43EDAQ0000301B 31/01/2024 - 293 kB Metadata Download
Relazione geologica, geomorfologia ed idrogeologica 011_IA1U00E69RGGE0001001B.pdf Project documentation 011-IA1U00E69RGGE0001001B 31/01/2024 - 46936 kB Metadata Download