Title | File name | Section | Code | Date | Scale | Size | Metadata | download |
Osservazioni SCA ATS Brianza | ATS_Brianza.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences | MATTM-2020-0109905 | 21/01/2021 | - | 745 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni SCA ASL Alessandria | ASL_Alessandria.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences | MATTM-2020-0109905 | 21/01/2021 | - | 977 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni SCA ARPAE_Emilia Romagna | ARPAE_Emilia_Romagna.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences | MATTM-2020-0109905 | 21/01/2021 | - | 602 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni SCA ARPA Lombardia | ARPA_Lombardia.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences | MATTM-2020-0109905 | 21/01/2021 | - | 577 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni SCA dell'Ente di Gestione delle Aree Protette dei Parchi Reali in data 20/11/2020 | MATTM-2020-0096031.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences | MATTM-2020-0096031 | 21/12/2020 | - | 387 kB | Metadata | Download |
Oservazioni SCA dell'ARPA Lombardia in data 03/12/2020 | MATTM-2020-0101194.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences | MATTM-2020-0101194 | 21/12/2020 | - | 183 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni SCA della SUA - Direzione Generale per la sicurezza del suolo e dell'acqua in data 14/12/2020 | MATTM-2020-0104691.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences | MATTM-2020-0104691 | 21/12/2020 | - | 88 kB | Metadata | Download |
Oservazioni SCA della Regione Piemonte in data 15/12/2020 | MATTM-2020-0105031.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences | MATTM-2020-0105031 | 21/12/2020 | - | 237 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni SCA dell'Ente AdB Autorita' di Bacino distrettuale del Fiume Po in data 31/12/2020 | MATTM-2020-0110552.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences | MATTM-2020-0110552 | 14/01/2021 | - | 3120 kB | Metadata | Download |