Title | File name | Section | Code | Date | Scale | Size | Metadata | download |
Osservazioni dell'Autorità di bacino distrettuale dell'Appennino Settentrionale - Bacini Idrografici della Toscana della Liguria e dell'Umbria in data 22/08/2022 | MiTE-2022-0102513.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences - Scoping stage | MiTE-2022-0102513 | 24/08/2022 | - | 263 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni del WWF Italia Onlus Ente Gestore della Riserva Naturale Orientata CAPO RAMA in data 22/08/2022 | MiTE-2022-0102614.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences - Scoping stage | MiTE-2022-0102614 | 24/08/2022 | - | 3240 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni dell'Ente Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso in data 23/08/2022 | MiTE-2022-0102754.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences - Scoping stage | MiTE-2022-0102754 | 24/08/2022 | - | 673 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni del Comitato COLOGNOLA PER IL SUO FUTURO A.P.S. in data 24/08/2022 | MiTE-2022-0103205.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences - Scoping stage | MiTE-2022-0103205 | 29/08/2022 | - | 377 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni del Sig. Dott. Petrosino Vincenzo in data 24/08/2022 | MiTE-2022-0103210.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences - Scoping stage | MiTE-2022-0103210 | 30/08/2022 | - | 25724 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni del Comitato Aeroporto di Treviso in data 25/08/2022 | MITE-2022-0103458.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences - Scoping stage | MiTE-2022-0103458 | 30/08/2022 | - | 34831 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni dell'Ente di gestione delle Aree Protette delle Alpi Marittime in data 25/08/2022 | MiTE-2022-0103657.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences - Scoping stage | MiTE-2022-0103657 | 31/08/2022 | - | 142 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni dell'Asssociazione Italia Nostra - Sezione di Treviso in data 26/06/2022 | MiTE-2022-0103821.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences - Scoping stage | MiTE-2022-0103821 | 08/09/2022 | - | 55371 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni dell'Ente Parco Archeologico di Pauestum & Velia in data 29/08/2022 | MiTE-2022-0104192.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences - Scoping stage | MiTE-2022-0104192 | 09/09/2022 | - | 227 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni dell'Asssociazione Legambiente Treviso in data 29/08/2022 | MiTE-2022-0104134.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences - Scoping stage | MiTE-2022-0104134 | 09/09/2022 | - | 17172 kB | Metadata | Download |