Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Projects (263)

Project Developer
33,6 MW Bovino on-shore wind farm and related works Renvico Italy S.r.l. info Project documents
Extraordinary maintenance of the Termoli (CB) combined-cycle power plant Snowstorm S.r.l. info Project documents
Adaptation of the Morelli Ceppo Dam at the Anza torrent Edison S.p.A. info Project documents
Marghera Levante thermal power plant - Reconstruction with environmental improvement EDISON S.p.A. info Project documents
A31 Valdastico nord motorway Autostrada Brescia - Verona - Vicenza - Padova S.p.A. info Project documents
Drilling of the exploration well "Bella 1" within the hydrocarbons exploration permit "Belgioioso" AleAnna Resources LLC info Project documents
Reconstruction of the 132 kV T.153 power line "La Casella - Broni - Arena Po" between the E.S. "La Casella" and the P.S. "Arena Po" and 220 kV T.221 power line "Tavazzano Est - Sarmato" between the pylon 82 and pylon 84 and 132 kV T.860 power line "Arena PO - Copiano - Cortelona" between the pylon 52 and the "Arena Po" primary station Terna Rete Italia S.p.A. info Project documents
New overhead connection from the 132 kV T.919/920 "Rosone - Torino Sud-Ovest" power line to the primary substation of Balangero Terna Rete Italia S.p.A. info Project documents
Methane supply network in Sardinia - Northern section SNAM RETE GAS S.p.A. info Project documents
Hydrocarbons exploitation concession "Gela" - Adaptation and laying of the pipe in order to change the exploitation well in the injector well and startup Eni Mediterranea Idrocarburi S.p.A. info Project documents