Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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EIA Compliance Determinations (starting from January 2013)


Results (1253)

Project Developer Date and number Outcome
Potenziamento della centrale termoelettrica di S.Barbara nel comune di Cavriglia (AR) ENEL S.p.A. 08/03/2016
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Heavy oil gasification plant and electricity production with cogeneration system in the ISAB refinery of Priolo Gargallo (SR) ISAB Energy S.r.l. 29/02/2016
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Heavy oil gasification plant and electricity production with cogeneration system in the ISAB refinery of Priolo Gargallo (SR) ISAB Energy S.r.l. 29/02/2016
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Attività di decommissioning disattivazione accelerata per il rilascio incondizionato del sito Impianto nucleare di Trino (VC) SOGIN S.p.A. 22/02/2016
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Nuova Strada Tipo B (4 corsie) S.S.199 Sassari-Olbia ANAS S.p.A. 12/02/2016
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Exploitation concession d.3G.C.-A.G. resulting from the exploration permits G.R13.AG and G.R14.AG: drilling and completion of six wells in the ARGO and CASSIOPEA ( Argo 2 and Cassiopeia 1-5) fields and drilling of two exploration wells (Centauro 1 and Gemini 1) ENI S.p.A. 05/02/2016
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Submarine pipeline between Lake Fusaro in the municipality of Bacoli (NA) and the Punta San Pietro in the municipality of Ischia (NA) Ischia gas S.r.l. 05/02/2016
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Turin Airport - Master Plan revision ENAC - Ente Nazionale per l'Aviazione Civile 04/02/2016
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Centrale di Fiume Santo (SS) - Progetto di co-combustione di biomasse e carbone nelle sezioni 3 e 4 E.ON Produzione SpA 27/01/2016
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Elettrodotto a 380 kV in doppia terna Sorgente-Rizziconi Terna Rete Italia S.p.A. 26/01/2016
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