Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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EIA Compliance Determinations (starting from January 2013)


Results (1253)

Project Developer Date and number Outcome
LNG receiving and regasification terminal in the municipality of Trieste, industrial area of Zaule GAS Natural International SDG. S.A. 30/05/2016
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Brindisi LNG regasification terminal Brindisi LGN S.p.A. 25/05/2016
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Submarine pipeline between Lake Fusaro in the municipality of Bacoli (NA) and the Punta San Pietro in the municipality of Ischia (NA) Ischia gas S.r.l. 18/05/2016
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Centrale nucleare di Borgo Sabotino (Latina), Attività di decommissioning - disattivazione accelerata per il rilascio incondizionato del sito SOGIN S.p.A. 16/05/2016
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Technical and functional adaptation of the Manfredi dock in the Port of Salerno Autorità Portuale di Salerno 11/05/2016
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Liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons exploitation concession B.C13.AS - "Clara NW" project ENI S.p.A. Divisione Exploration & Production 11/05/2016
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Liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons exploitation concession B.C13.AS - "Clara NW" project ENI S.p.A. Divisione Exploration & Production 11/05/2016
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Liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons exploitation concession B.C13.AS - "Clara NW" project ENI S.p.A. Divisione Exploration & Production 11/05/2016
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Liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons exploitation concession B.C17.TO - Bonaccia NW Project ENI S.p.A. 11/05/2016
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Liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons exploitation concession B.C17.TO - Bonaccia NW Project ENI S.p.A. 11/05/2016
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