Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Plans and Programmes - SEA: Search by sector

Plans/Programmes (121)

Plan/Program Developer Last Procedure
National Electricity Transmission Grid - 2018 Development Plan Terna S.p.A. Strategic Environmental Assessment info Plan documents
Airport Noise Zoning Plan pursuant to D.M. 31 October 1997 - Bergamo Orio Al Serio "Caravaggio" Airport ENAC - Ente Nazionale per l'Aviazione Civile Strategic Environmental Assessment info Plan documents
Transport Development Strategy of the Republic of Montenegro (2018-2035) Repubblica di Montenegro Strategic Environmental Assessment info Plan documents
Transport Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia (2017 - 2030) Repubblica di Croazia Strategic Environmental Assessment info Plan documents
National Electricity Transmission Grid - 2017 Development Plan Terna S.p.A. Strategic Environmental Assessment info Plan documents
Program of exploring and exploiting hydrocarbons at the Ionian Sea Repubblica Ellenica Strategic Environmental Assessment info Program documents
National Electricity Transmission Grid - 2016 Development Plan Terna S.p.A. Strategic Environmental Assessment info Plan documents
Environmental rehabilitation and urban regeneration programme on the site of national interest of Bagnoli Coroglio Agenzia Nazionale per l'Attrazione degli Investimenti S.p.A. - INVITALIA Strategic Environmental Assessment info Program documents
National Programme for spent fuel and radioactive waste management Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare - Direzione generale per i rifiuti e l'inquinamento (RIN) e Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico Strategic Environmental Assessment info Program documents
Programme related to the identification of the overall treatment capacity of the installations for the incineration of urban and assimilated waste, operating or authorized at national level, and for the identification of the residual need to be covered by the construction of installations for the incineration of urban and assimilated waste with energy recovery Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare - Direzione generale per i rifiuti e l'inquinamento (RIN) SEA Screening info Program documents