Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Projects - EIA: Search by procedure

Projects (8556)

Project Developer Procedure
Functional technical adjustment works of the Port of Salerno master plan: increased deepening of the port seabed - Managing of dredged sediments by direct immersion in sea areas outside the continental shelf Autorità Portuale di Salerno EIA Compliance info Project documents
Porto di Catania - Lavori di consolidamento e ricarica della mantellata della diga foranea, rafforzamento e potenziamento della testata Autorità di Sistema Portuale della Sicilia Orientale Preliminary assessment info Project documents
Exploitation concession d.3G.C.-A.G. resulting from the exploration permits G.R13.AG and G.R14.AG: drilling and completion of six wells in the ARGO and CASSIOPEA ( Argo 2 and Cassiopeia 1-5) fields and drilling of two exploration wells (Centauro 1 and Gemini 1) ENI S.p.A. EIA Compliance info Project documents
Exploitation concession d.3G.C.-A.G. resulting from the exploration permits G.R13.AG and G.R14.AG: drilling and completion of six wells in the ARGO and CASSIOPEA ( Argo 2 and Cassiopeia 1-5) fields and drilling of two exploration wells (Centauro 1 and Gemini 1) ENI S.p.A. EIA Compliance info Project documents
Exploitation concession d.3G.C.-A.G. resulting from the exploration permits G.R13.AG and G.R14.AG: drilling and completion of six wells in the ARGO and CASSIOPEA ( Argo 2 and Cassiopeia 1-5) fields and drilling of two exploration wells (Centauro 1 and Gemini 1) ENI S.p.A. EIA Compliance info Project documents
Reorganization of national electrical grid in the Belluno area Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale S.p.A. Environmental Impact Assessment info Project documents
S.S. 219 "Gubbio-Pian d'Assino" - Adaptation section Gubbio-Umbertide - Lot 2 Mocaiana-Umbertide - Stretch 1 Mocaiana-Pietralunga ANAS S.p.A. EIA Screening info Project documents
380kV double circuit power line ES Udine Ovest - ES Redipuglia and related works Terna Rete Italia S.p.A. EIA Compliance info Project documents
Lavori per la realizzazione di una rotatoria tra l'innesto della S.S. 696"del Parco del Sirente Velino" (ex strada "Brecciara") e la S.R. 5 Bis al km 23+800 ANAS S.p.A. Preliminary assessment info Project documents
33,6 MW "Lesina-Apricena" (FG) on-shore wind farm and related works Renvico Italy S.r.l. Environmental Impact Assessment info Project documents