Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Projects - EIA: Search by procedure

Projects (8556)

Project Developer Procedure
Metanodotto Enna-Montalbano - Tratto Enna-Bronte di 66km DN 1200 mm (48") P= 75 bar SNAM RETE GAS S.p.A. EIA Compliance info Project documents
Heavy oil gasification plant and electricity production with cogeneration system in the ISAB refinery of Priolo Gargallo (SR) ISAB Energy S.r.l. EIA Compliance info Project documents
Oil and gas hydrocarbons exploration permit "d 84 F.R-.EL" Petroceltic Italia S.r.l. Scoping info Project documents
Port of Pozzallo - Interventions for the safety of existing maritime works with particular regard to the harbour entrance and the breakwater to protect the commercial and tourist docks Comune di Pozzallo Scoping info Project documents
Montalbano Elicona - Messina natural gas pipeline SNAM RETE GAS S.p.A. EIA Compliance info Project documents
Centrale nucleare di Borgo Sabotino (Latina), Attività di decommissioning - disattivazione accelerata per il rilascio incondizionato del sito SOGIN S.p.A. EIA Compliance info Project documents
Treatment and conditioning of the ion-exchange resin exhausted in the plant of Trino SOGIN S.p.A. EIA Screening info Project documents
Attività di decommissioning disattivazione accelerata per il rilascio incondizionato del sito Impianto nucleare di Trino (VC) SOGIN S.p.A. EIA Compliance info Project documents
Road and motorway junction of Genoa - Adaptation to A7-A10-A12 system Autostrade per l'Italia S.p.A. EIA Compliance info Project documents
Exploitation of "Tea, Lavanda, Arnica" gas fields - Construction of "Tea" offshore platform and of a submarine pipeline conveying the gas to the platform "Amelia B" ENI S.p.A. EIA Compliance info Project documents