Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Projects - EIA: Search by procedure

Projects (8556)

Project Developer Procedure
Start-up of bio-fuels production at the Venice Refinery (Green Refinery Project ) Eni S.p.A. Divisione Refining & Marketing EIA Compliance info Project documents
Trino power plant - Updated of radioactive waste and on-site interim storage management mode SOGIN S.p.A. EIA Compliance info Project documents
Liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons exploitation concession B.C13.AS - "Clara NW" project ENI S.p.A. Divisione Exploration & Production EIA Compliance info Project documents
Attività di decommissioning disattivazione accelerata per il rilascio incondizionato del sito dell'impianto nucleare di Caorso SOGIN S.p.A. EIA Compliance info Project documents
Caorso power plant - update of radioactive waste and on-site interim storage management mode SOGIN S.p.A. EIA Compliance info Project documents
Adaptation and safety of S.S. 131 Carlo Felice highway from km 108+300 to km 209+500. Resolution critical issues. Stage 1 and 2 ANAS S.p.A. Environmental Impact Assessment (Strategic works Law 443/2001) info Project documents
Liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons exploitation concession B.C13.AS - "Clara NW" project ENI S.p.A. Divisione Exploration & Production EIA Compliance info Project documents
Geothermal Pilot Plant named "Serrara Fontana" Ischia Geotermia S.r.l. Environmental Impact Assessment info Project documents
Exploration well "Malerbina 1 dir" within the exploration permit of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons "Portomaggiore" Aleanna Italia S.r.l. Environmental Impact Assessment info Project documents
Aggiornamento numero e tipologia navi metaniere compatibili con terminale e relativo numero di accosti - Terminale rigassificazione GNL al largo delle coste toscane OLT Offshore LNG Toscana S.p.A. EIA Compliance info Project documents