Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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News from the Directorate-General

Results (154)

  • 20130319_dva_informa_nuova_modulistica_via


    Online new forms for the EIA procedures

    In the Forms section of the Environmental Assessment portal are available the standard forms to start EIA procedures, pursuant to Decree 163/2006 and subsequent amendments.

  • 20130212_dva_informa_quadri_prescrittivi


    Prescriptive frameworks for EIA provisions guidelines

    Each year the Ministry of the Environment issues a hundred of EIA provisions (EIA and EIA Screening). The prescriptive framework of each measure contains an average of 15-20 requirements for specific aspects of the various environmental components, aspects of planning and management, monitoring, mitigation and compensation measures.

  • MATTM - Logo stella


    Arrangements for access to the proceedings and related charges for the extraction of copy

    The current legislation concerning the right of access to administrative documents (L.241/1990 and subsequent amendments) and to environmental information (Legislative Decree no. 195/2005), implementing the principle of transparency, guarantees the freedom of access to documents held by the Public Administration concerned, or in the case of environmental information "to any natural or legal person who requests it."

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    Workshop "Forms and Technical Specification for transmission in digital format in the Environmental Assessment"

    The workshop dedicated to the theme of the forms and specifications in digital format for the transmission of the documentation for the SEA and EIA procedures promoted by the Directorate-General for Environmental Assessment within the activities of the 2007-2013 National Operational Programme "Governance and System Actions" took place on April 12th 2012 at the premises of the Ministry of the Environment.