Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Alfonsine Storage Concession - Construction of a new gas storage plant in Alfonsine


(n.482) Documents of the Environmental Impact Assessment

Title File name Section Code Date Scale Size
Planimetria fognature acque meteoriche e reflue domestiche - Area 3 LPY-0000-035_AKY-0000-011_01_Allegato_Fase_2.pdf Project documentation LPY-0000-035-AKY-0000-011-01 17/07/2013 1:250 1500 kB Metadata Download
Planimetria fognature acque meteoriche e reflue domestiche - Area 4 LPY-0000-035_AKY-0000-012_02_Allegato_Fase_2.pdf Project documentation LPY-0000-035-AKY-0000-012-02 17/07/2013 1:250 1487 kB Metadata Download
Assonometrico LPY-0000-035_AKY-0000-013_02_Allegato_Fase_2.pdf Project documentation LPY-0000-035-AKY-0000-013-02 17/07/2013 - 1618 kB Metadata Download
Planimetria generale LPY-0000-035_HVA-0000-001_03_Allegato_Fase_2.pdf Project documentation LPY-0000-035-HVA-0000-001-03 17/07/2013 1:500 2347 kB Metadata Download
Planimetria andamento tubazioni Cluster A LPY-0000-035_HVC-0101-001_00_Allegato_Fase_2.pdf Project documentation LPY-0000-035-HVC-0101-001-00 17/07/2013 1:500 672 kB Metadata Download
Planimetria andamento tubazioni Cluster B-D LPY-0000-035_HVC-0102-001_00_Allegato_Fase_2.pdf Project documentation LPY-0000-035-HVC-0102-001-00 17/07/2013 1:750 672 kB Metadata Download
Planimetria andamento tubazioni Cluster C LPY-0000-035_HVC-0103-001_00_Allegato_Fase_2.pdf Project documentation LPY-0000-035-HVC-0103-001-00 17/07/2013 1:500 675 kB Metadata Download
Planimetria andamento tubazioni Cluster E LPY-0000-035_HVC-0105-001_00_Allegato_Fase_2.pdf Project documentation LPY-0000-035-HVC-0105-001-00 17/07/2013 1:500 637 kB Metadata Download
Schema a blocchi LPY-0000-035_PRB-0000-001_A_Allegato_Fase_2.pdf Project documentation LPY-0000-035-PRB-0000-001-A 17/07/2013 - 227 kB Metadata Download
Quadro Ambientale (Vol.I - Sez.IV) LEY-0000-002_Vol_I_Sez_IV_Q_Ambientale.pdf EIA Report - Environmental framework LEY-0000-002-Vol-I-Sez-IV 17/07/2013 - 10474 kB Metadata Download