Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Rationalization of the high voltage electricity grid in the area of Venice and Padova


(n.297) Documents of the Environmental Impact Assessment

Title Section Code Date Scale Size
Stralci PALAV EIA Report - Policy framework DGCR10100BSA00596-05 17/03/2017 1:25.000 6953 kB Metadata Download
Stralci pianificazione comunale EIA Report - Policy framework DGCR10100BSA00596-06 17/03/2017 1:10.000 60667 kB Metadata Download
Stralci pianificazione comunale - vincoli EIA Report - Policy framework DGCR10100BSA00596-07 17/03/2017 1:10.000 43096 kB Metadata Download
Stralci Piani di Zonizzazione Acustica Comunale EIA Report - Policy framework DGCR10100BSA00596-08 17/03/2017 1:10.000 45628 kB Metadata Download
Inquadramento dei Siti Natura 2000 EIA Report - Policy framework DGCR10100BSA00596-09 17/03/2017 1:30.000 37550 kB Metadata Download
Vincoli paesaggistici - Area vasta EIA Report - Policy framework DGCR10100BSA00596-10 17/03/2017 1:30.000 42646 kB Metadata Download
Vincoli - Dettaglio Ambito di studio - 1 Dolo EIA Report - Policy framework DGCR10100BSA00596-11-1 17/03/2017 1:10.000 12597 kB Metadata Download
Vincoli - Dettaglio Ambito di studio - 2 Camin EIA Report - Policy framework DGCR10100BSA00596-11-2 17/03/2017 1:10.000 14294 kB Metadata Download
Vincoli - Dettaglio Ambito di studio - 3 Fusina EIA Report - Policy framework DGCR10100BSA00596-11-3 17/03/2017 1:10.000 12658 kB Metadata Download
Elenco elaborati per Piano Tecnico delle Opere Lists of Project documents EUCR10100BGL20000 17/03/2017 - 265 kB Metadata Download