Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Brenner Base Tunnel


(n.710) Documents of the EIA Follow-up (Strategic works Law 443/2001)

Title Section Code Date Scale Size
Relazione generale / Allgemeiner Bericht Project documentation 02-H71-AF-002-01-01-002.00-B0115-00594-RT1-04 20/04/2016 - 22235 kB Metadata Download
Documento di Verifica di ottemperanza / Nachweis der Einhaltung der Vorschriften Project documentation 02-H71-AF-002-01-01-003.00-B0115-00595-RT1-01 20/04/2016 - 1386 kB Metadata Download
Determinazione direttoriale - Fase 2 - Galleria di Base del Brennero Determination - Stage 2: Environmental monitoring and prescriptions compliance DVA-DEC-2018-0000271 14/06/2018 - 226 kB Metadata Download
Allegato al Decreto Direttoriale - Parere CTVA 3441 Determination - Stage 2: Environmental monitoring and prescriptions compliance PRR-3441-22052020 28/07/2020 - 442 kB Metadata Download
Relazione archeologica / Archäologischer Bericht Project documentation 02-H71-AF-002-01-01-005.00-B0115-00606-RT5-02 20/04/2016 - 1780 kB Metadata Download
Corografia di inquadramento su Ortofoto / Allgemeiner Übersichtslageplan auf Orthofoto Project documentation 02-H71-AF-002-01-01-006.00-B0115-00598-1A3-00 20/04/2016 1:25.000 4962 kB Metadata Download
Corografia generale su carta tecnica / Übersichtslageplan auf technischer Grundkarte Project documentation 02-H71-AF-002-01-01-007.00-B0115-00599-1A4-01 20/04/2016 1:10.000 4003 kB Metadata Download
Profilo longitudinale generale / Übersichtslängenschnitt Project documentation 02-H71-AF-002-01-01-008.00-B0115-00600-0A4-01 20/04/2016 1:10.000/1.000 674 kB Metadata Download
Planimetria d'insieme / Gesamtlageplan Project documentation 02-H71-AF-002-01-01-009.00-B0115-00601-1A5-02 20/04/2016 1:5.000 6754 kB Metadata Download
Planimetria dello stato attuale / Lageplan Bestand Project documentation 02-H71-AF-002-01-01-010.00-B0115-00602-1A5-01 20/04/2016 1:5.000 4736 kB Metadata Download