Unsubstantial project changes (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
13271 |
04/11/2024 |
EIA-SEA Technical Committee's assessment
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
13271 |
: |
Asse ferroviario Monaco - Verona. Galleria di Base del Brennero. Infrastrutture ferroviarie strategiche. Legge n. 443/01. Lotto Mules 2 e 3. Variante relativa al deposito di Hinterriger, ai sensi della normativa in materia di lavori relativi ad infrastrutture strategiche - Capo IV - Lavori relativi a infrastrutture strategiche e insediamenti produttivi. Sezione I - Infrastrutture e insediamenti produttivi del D.lgs. 163/2006. |
Date of application submission: |
04/11/2024 |
Technical assessment starting date: |
13/11/2024 |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Barbara Mulattieri - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
EIA-SEA Technical Committee's assessment
Unsubstantial project changes (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
10358 |
07/09/2023 |
Concluded |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
10358 |
: |
Galleria di Base del Brennero. Lotto di costruzione "Mules 2-3". Variazione modalità e tipologia dei materiali di riempimento finale dei cameroni Nord e Sud e dei cunicoli provvisori |
Date of application submission: |
07/09/2023 |
Date of the Opinion of the National Technical Commission : |
30/10/2023 |
National Technical Commission Opinion number: |
517 |
National Technical Commission Opinion outcome: |
Positivo |
Date of the EIA Decree: |
04/12/2023 |
EIA Decree number: |
MASE_VA_DEC_2023-0000626 |
EIA Decree outcome: |
Positivo |
Notification date: |
07/12/2023 |
Notification Reference number: |
MASE_2023-0201007 |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Carlo Di Gianfrancesco - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Concluded |
EIA Follow-up (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
9956 |
22/06/2023 |
Approved with/without prescriptions |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
9956 |
: |
Asse ferroviario Monaco - Verona. Galleria di Base del Brennero. Sublotto "Opere principali sottoattraversamento fiume Isarco". Secondo aggiornamento Piano di Utilizzo, ex D.M. 161/2012 approvato con Determina Direttoriale DVA-DEC-2016-294 del 06/10/2016. |
Date of application submission: |
22/06/2023 |
Date of the Opinion of the National Technical Commission - Stage 1: Adequacy of the executive project to the final project and compliance to the prescriptions: |
30/10/2023 |
National Technical Commission Opinion number - Stage 1: |
888 |
National Technical Commission Opinion outcome - Stage 1: |
Approvato |
Determination date - Stage 1: Adequacy of the executive project to the final project and prescriptions compliance : |
14/11/2023 |
Determination number - Stage 1 : |
MASE_VA_DEC_2023-0000562 |
Determination outcome - Stage 1: |
Approvato |
Notification date: |
16/11/2023 |
Notification Reference number: |
MASE_2023-0185646 |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Carlo Di Gianfrancesco - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Approved with/without prescriptions |
Unsubstantial project changes (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
8482 |
27/05/2022 |
Concluded |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
8482 |
: |
Asse ferroviario Monaco-Verona - Galleria di base del Brennero "Sottoattraversamento Isarco". utilizzo delle materie prime nell'ambito del rimodellamento morfologico dell'area di dismissione della ferrovia storica del Brennero |
Date of application submission: |
27/05/2022 |
Date of the Opinion of the National Technical Commission : |
05/08/2022 |
National Technical Commission Opinion number: |
304 |
National Technical Commission Opinion outcome: |
Positivo |
Date of the EIA Decree: |
08/09/2022 |
EIA Decree number: |
MiTE_VA_DEC_2022-0000223 |
EIA Decree outcome: |
Positivo |
Notification date: |
13/09/2022 |
Notification Reference number: |
MiTE-2022-0110734 |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Carlo Di Gianfrancesco - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Concluded |
Unsubstantial project changes (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
8114 |
28/02/2022 |
Concluded |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
8114 |
: |
Galleria di Base del Brennero. Lotto di costruzione "Mules 2-3". Esecuzione di operazioni di recupero R10 di fanghi derivanti dall'operazione di lavaggio inerti con successiva allocazione presso il deposito di Hinterrigger |
Date of application submission: |
28/02/2022 |
Date of the Opinion of the National Technical Commission : |
06/04/2022 |
National Technical Commission Opinion number: |
330 |
National Technical Commission Opinion outcome: |
Positivo |
Date of the EIA Decree: |
14/06/2022 |
EIA Decree number: |
MiTE_VA_DEC_2022-0000096 |
EIA Decree outcome: |
Positivo |
Notification date: |
16/06/2022 |
Notification Reference number: |
MiTE-2022-0075420 |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Carlo Di Gianfrancesco - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Concluded |
Unsubstantial project changes (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
4312 |
17/10/2018 |
Concluded |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
4312 |
: |
Aree da assoggettare a pubblica utilità per la sistemazione finale della Galleria di Base del Brennero - Tratto Fortezza-Confine di Stato |
Date of application submission: |
17/10/2018 |
Technical assessment starting date: |
05/11/2018 |
Date of notification to the developer of the procedure outcomes: |
01/02/2019 |
Date of the Opinion of the National Technical Commission : |
14/12/2018 |
National Technical Commission Opinion number: |
PRR-2909-14122018 |
National Technical Commission Opinion outcome: |
Positivo |
Notification Reference number: |
DVA-DEC-2019-0000020 |
Outcome: |
Positivo |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Carlo Di Gianfrancesco - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Concluded |
EIA Follow-up (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
4329 |
10/10/2018 |
Pending the start of the enivronmental monitoring
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
4329 |
: |
Progetto esecutivo Lotto "H81 Stazione fortezza" - Sublotto "attività preparatorie aree di stazione" |
Date of application submission: |
10/10/2018 |
Date of notification to the developer of the procedure outcomes: |
29/07/2019 |
Date of the Opinion of the National Technical Commission - Stage 1: Adequacy of the executive project to the final project and compliance to the prescriptions: |
05/07/2019 |
National Technical Commission Opinion number - Stage 1: |
3069 |
National Technical Commission Opinion outcome - Stage 1: |
Positivo |
Determination date - Stage 1: Adequacy of the executive project to the final project and prescriptions compliance : |
29/07/2019 |
Determination number - Stage 1 : |
DVA_DEC_2019-0000273 |
Determination outcome - Stage 1: |
Positivo |
Notification Reference number: |
DVA_2019-0019891 |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Barbara Mulattieri - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Pending the start of the enivronmental monitoring
Unsubstantial project changes (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
3660 |
04/07/2017 |
Concluded |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
3660 |
: |
Lotto di costruzione "Stazione di Fortezza" - Sublotto "Nuova viabilità Riol" |
Date of application submission: |
04/07/2017 |
Technical assessment starting date: |
20/07/2017 |
Date of notification to the developer of the procedure outcomes: |
11/10/2017 |
Date of the Opinion of the National Technical Commission : |
29/09/2017 |
National Technical Commission Opinion number: |
2508 |
National Technical Commission Opinion outcome: |
Positivo con prescrizioni |
Notification Reference number: |
DVA-DEC-2017-0000284 |
Outcome: |
Positivo con prescrizioni |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Carlo Di Gianfrancesco - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Concluded |
EIA Follow-up (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
3333 |
18/04/2016 |
EIA-SEA Technical Committee's assessment
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
3333 |
: |
Sublotto "Opere principali sottoattraversamento Isarco" |
Date of application submission: |
18/04/2016 |
Date of the Opinion of the National Technical Commission - Stage 1: Adequacy of the executive project to the final project and compliance to the prescriptions: |
02/08/2016 |
National Technical Commission Opinion number - Stage 1: |
2150 |
National Technical Commission Opinion outcome - Stage 1: |
Positivo |
Determination date - Stage 1: Adequacy of the executive project to the final project and prescriptions compliance : |
06/10/2016 |
Determination number - Stage 1 : |
DVA-DEC-2016-0000294 |
Determination outcome - Stage 1: |
Positivo |
Date of the Opinion of the National Technical Commission - Stage 2: environmental monitoring and prescriptions compliance : |
22/05/2020 |
National Technical Commission Opinion number - Stage 2: |
3441 |
National Technical Commission Opinion outcome - Stage 2: |
Positivo |
Determination date - Stage 2: environmental monitoring and prescriptions compliance : |
24/07/2020 |
Determination number - Stage 2 : |
227 |
Determination outcome - Stage 2: |
Positivo |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Barbara Mulattieri - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
EIA-SEA Technical Committee's assessment
EIA Follow-up (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
3281 |
09/02/2016 |
EIA-SEA Technical Committee's assessment
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
3281 |
: |
Lotto di costruzione "Mules 2-3" - Progetto esecutivo |
Date of application submission: |
09/02/2016 |
Date of the Opinion of the National Technical Commission - Stage 1: Adequacy of the executive project to the final project and compliance to the prescriptions: |
20/04/2018 |
National Technical Commission Opinion number - Stage 1: |
2711 |
National Technical Commission Opinion outcome - Stage 1: |
Positivo |
Determination date - Stage 1: Adequacy of the executive project to the final project and prescriptions compliance : |
07/05/2018 |
Determination number - Stage 1 : |
DVA-DEC-2018-0000211 |
Determination outcome - Stage 1: |
Positivo |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Barbara Mulattieri - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
EIA-SEA Technical Committee's assessment
EIA Follow-up (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
2803 |
10/07/2014 |
Pending the start of the enivronmental monitoring
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
2803 |
: |
Opere inerenti la zona di carico e scarico A22 |
Date of application submission: |
10/07/2014 |
Date of the Opinion of the National Technical Commission - Stage 1: Adequacy of the executive project to the final project and compliance to the prescriptions: |
16/02/2018 |
National Technical Commission Opinion number - Stage 1: |
2650 |
National Technical Commission Opinion outcome - Stage 1: |
Positivo |
Determination date - Stage 1: Adequacy of the executive project to the final project and prescriptions compliance : |
05/03/2018 |
Determination number - Stage 1 : |
DVA-DEC-2018-0000104 |
Determination outcome - Stage 1: |
Positivo |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Barbara Mulattieri - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Pending the start of the enivronmental monitoring
EIA Follow-up (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
2718 |
10/04/2014 |
Concluded |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
2718 |
: |
Galleria di Base del Brennero. Progetto esecutivo delle Opere propedeutiche del lotto di costruzione "Sottoattraversamento Isarco" |
Date of application submission: |
10/04/2014 |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Carlo Di Gianfrancesco - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Concluded |
EIA Follow-up (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
479 |
15/11/2010 |
Pending the start of the enivronmental monitoring
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
479 |
: |
Galleria di Base del Brennero - Progetto esecutivo del Lotto 1 Mules |
Date of application submission: |
15/11/2010 |
Date of the Opinion of the National Technical Commission - Stage 1: Adequacy of the executive project to the final project and compliance to the prescriptions: |
14/10/2016 |
National Technical Commission Opinion number - Stage 1: |
2200 |
National Technical Commission Opinion outcome - Stage 1: |
Positivo con prescrizioni |
Determination date - Stage 1: Adequacy of the executive project to the final project and prescriptions compliance : |
28/10/2016 |
Determination number - Stage 1 : |
DVA-DEC-2016-0000369 |
Determination outcome - Stage 1: |
Positivo con prescrizioni |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Carlo Di Gianfrancesco - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Pending the start of the enivronmental monitoring
EIA Follow-up (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
481 |
16/09/2010 |
Pending the start of the enivronmental monitoring
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
481 |
: |
Galleria di base del Brennero. Progetto Esecutivo del tratto di cunicolo esplorativo Periadriatica. 1° stralcio |
Date of application submission: |
16/09/2010 |
Date of the Opinion of the National Technical Commission - Stage 1: Adequacy of the executive project to the final project and compliance to the prescriptions: |
21/10/2016 |
National Technical Commission Opinion number - Stage 1: |
2208 |
National Technical Commission Opinion outcome - Stage 1: |
Positivo |
Determination date - Stage 1: Adequacy of the executive project to the final project and prescriptions compliance : |
04/11/2016 |
Determination number - Stage 1 : |
DVA-DEC-2016-0000377 |
Determination outcome - Stage 1: |
Positivo |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Carlo Di Gianfrancesco - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Pending the start of the enivronmental monitoring
EIA Follow-up (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
486 |
31/03/2010 |
Pending the start of the enivronmental monitoring
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
486 |
: |
Galleria di Base del Brennero - Progetto esecutivo del tratto di cunicolo esplorativo Aica-Mules |
Date of application submission: |
31/03/2010 |
Date of the Opinion of the National Technical Commission - Stage 1: Adequacy of the executive project to the final project and compliance to the prescriptions: |
12/05/2017 |
National Technical Commission Opinion number - Stage 1: |
2388 |
National Technical Commission Opinion outcome - Stage 1: |
Positivo con prescrizioni |
Determination date - Stage 1: Adequacy of the executive project to the final project and prescriptions compliance : |
22/05/2017 |
Determination number - Stage 1 : |
DVA_DEC-2017-0000156 |
Determination outcome - Stage 1: |
Positivo con prescrizioni |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Carlo Di Gianfrancesco - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Pending the start of the enivronmental monitoring
EIA Compliance (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
114 |
18/04/2008 |
Concluded |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
114 |
: |
Verifica di Ottemperanza alle prescrizioni della Delibera CIPE n.89 del 20/12/2004 |
Date of application submission: |
18/04/2008 |
Date of notification to the developer of the procedure outcomes: |
05/08/2008 |
Date of the Opinion of the National Technical Commission : |
31/07/2008 |
National Technical Commission Opinion number: |
80 |
National Technical Commission Opinion outcome: |
Positivo con prescrizioni |
Notification Reference number: |
DSA_2008-0021652 |
Outcome: |
Positivo con prescrizioni |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Concluded |
EIA Compliance (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
113 |
03/04/2008 |
Concluded |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
113 |
: |
Verifica di Ottemperanza alle prescrizioni della Delibera CIPE n.89 del 20/12/2004 |
Date of application submission: |
03/04/2008 |
Technical assessment starting date: |
06/05/2008 |
Date of notification to the developer of the procedure outcomes: |
18/11/2008 |
Date of the Opinion of the National Technical Commission : |
07/11/2008 |
National Technical Commission Opinion outcome: |
Ottemperato |
Notification Reference number: |
DSA-2008_0033351 |
Outcome: |
Ottemperato |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Concluded |
Environmental Impact Assessment (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
638 |
11/06/2003 |
Concluded |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
638 |
Date of application submission: |
11/06/2003 |
Publication date of the notice in newspapers: |
10/06/2003 |
Deadline of submission of Public Comments: |
10/07/2003 |
Technical assessment starting date: |
14/01/2004 |
Date of request for integrations: |
12/02/2004 |
Date of integrations receipt: |
22/04/2004 |
Date of Special EIA Commission Opinion: |
01/06/2004 |
Special EIA Commission Opinion outcome: |
Positivo con prescrizioni |
Date of CIPE Deliberation: |
20/12/2004 |
CIPE Deliberation number : |
89 |
CIPE Deliberation outcome: |
Positivo con prescrizioni |
Publication date of CIPE Deliberation in the Italian Republic Official Journal : |
20/07/2005 |
Italian Republic Official Journal number : |
167 |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Concluded |